Preventive Maintenance-TH

Preventive Maintenance

Turnkey Subtation

Maintenance Service Information

It’s natural for electrical equipment to degrade over time, but it doesn’t necessarily have to fail. Preventive Maintenance Services from Pacific Powergrid will evaluate the condition of your equipment and determine
the most cost-effective and manageable solution to ensure its overall performance, safety and reliability.

Elements of a good preventive maintenance program should include the following:

  • Identification of equipment or systems that may malfunction
  • Typical equipment to be inspected including switchgear, circuit breakers, transformers, switches, etc.
  • Establishment of schedules and procedures for routine inspections
  • Periodic testing of plant equipment for structural soundness
  • Prompt repair or replacement of defective equipment found during inspection and testing
  • Inventory of spare parts for equipment that needs frequent repairs
  • Use of an organized record-keeping system to schedule tests and document inspections
  • Commitment to ensure that records are complete and detailed, and that they record test results and follow-up actions
  • Preventive maintenance inspection records should be kept with other visual inspection records

We’ll help you design and implement a preventive maintenance strategy that will reduce your overall maintenance cost and time spent on unplanned maintenance. And more significantly, improve the overall reliability throughout your facility.

Preventive Maintenance 22kV Swithgear

Preventive Maintenance 22kV Swithgear
Preventive Maintenance 22kV Swithgear
Preventive Maintenance 22kV Swithgear
Preventive Maintenance 22kV Swithgear
Preventive Maintenance 22kV Swithgear
Preventive Maintenance 22kV Swithgear